Which rule set do you think is better, Chinese or Japanese?

I prefer Chinese-style rules (most area scoring based rules sets). Ing is an exception (that I don’t like) due to the complicated and difficult to understand ko rules.

I actually used to prefer the Japanese rules, since I had believed that they were more elegant. However, the more that I learn about how to figure out what’s alive/dead/seki, the less aesthetically pleasing it seems. There just seems to be too much complexity needed just to make territory scoring work, while also trying to respect historical precedent for various tricky situations.

Eventually, I’ve come to realize that area scoring rules can be made incredibly elegant in their simplicity, which is really exemplified by the Tromp-Taylor rules.

There are some edge cases, where Chinese and Japanese rules behave very differently, and although they might rarely occur in games, I prefer how they are handled under Chinese rules, since it seems that more strategic considerations are involved. I discuss a particular example here:

Dispute resolution under area-scoring rules is also so much easier, which is a big plus for online games.

I created a poll, but I hope everyone that votes still posts with discussion as @Kosh requested.

@andysif, I noticed a typo in the poll that I had to fix, but I saw that you had cast a vote already. Fixing the typo seemed to cause all of the votes to reset. So, you have to vote again. Sorry about that.