The “About” page also provides some stats at the bottom:
Note: you can hover your mouse over the approximate numbers to see the exact number
According to that page, we currently have 10,094 users, which contradicts the 10,000 listed on the user stats page. Note that there have only been 793 active users in the past 30 days.
We are also approaching 10K topics (currently at 9,862).
Thanks. Learning new things everyday on this forum
So in updating the user stats page there is delay. I wonder how long that delay is.
The daily increase in last few days varied between approximately 8-12 new users.
A careful conclusion based on not enough data would suggest that there is a delay of one week.
I think for most user stats, the delay is just one day, but for counting the overall number of users, I think there is another source of discrepancy: maybe the user stats page only counts those users that actually generate measurable stats. Some accounts are maybe dummy/system accounts, while others may have created an account, but then immediately left the forums without generating any stats.
By the way, @Atorrante, you gave me my 10,000th like on this forum (on the post above).