1k vs 1d

Well it’s not just intuition right. Me personally I just remember big spots after reading them out and then keep them in mind. One thing that helped me get more consistent is to do the same for every single cut because every single cut is aji, and I used to blunder entire groups away (especially on fox) because I wouldn’t keep cuts in my mind all the time. In addition to that there’s also forced sequences that let you look around the board a bit if you manage your time correctly and play them out slowly.

That only goes so far. You too need to count about how much each move is worth, especially in endgame. I will sacrifice a few points at times if I can get sente on the move during the early end game since it means I can get a bigger move elsewhere.

In this game its really surprising to see you tenuki and allowed white r2, and in sente makes it even worse. That’s just totally unacceptable to my go sense. When white 3-3ed whether to descend, block left or above are all plausible moves that are worth thinking about. But allowing r2 is a total no-no dismissed in an instant.

Yeah I figured as much. I haven’t played this block in years now even though I play the kick almost every game and I misjudged that I would end in gote there. In hindsight it does look very bad.