2022: HOLD MY TEA! đŸ”

I stumbled upon this reddit post from an especially stupid and unlucky person who really should have known better: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/sq67ap/options_for_sending_money_to_ukraine/


What y’all think will happen first

  • World peace
  • People will stop falling for obvious scams (especially
 “kitten traps”)

0 voters

What’s “kitten traps”?

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Yeah, i only heard about rat traps?

Maybe people who pretend to be attractive women falling in love with you, and asking you to send money.
(And vice-versa, women may also be victims of such traps.)


Tinder swindler is getting a book deal.

World peace gets my vote.


The more common phrase is “Romance Scam”. Google that to find many stories.

It’s quite common for these scams to play a very long game, sometimes lasting much longer than a year. The payoff can be quite huge, like stealing a substantial portion of a relatively wealthy victim’s savings, which makes investing even more than a year of effort more than worthwhile. Also, it’s possible for a scammer to be working multiple marks simultaneously, so it’s not necessarily full-time focus on any one case either.


Sounds like marriage, am i right

Can be part of it but i guess not only.

I’ll make a chess exception, just this once


I’m counting on the best way to beat his kind, make people around him betray him. :woman_shrugging:t2:


I think he can only be stopped from the inside. If that doesn’t happen, Russia may turn into North Korea 2.0 (but more dangerous). If that does happen, who knows what the next couple of decades will be like.


The funniest thing, all those mediocre psychos think they’re dragons.
That’s where the misunderstanding began.


I always find it hard to tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. In this case, I assume you are.

What I mean is despite all the sanctions, their government is still in power. Doesn’t appear to be crumbling yet. So “they” are doing fine.


To the topic of propagandas, there’s a ton from both sides apparently. Here’s a video of euronews just showing summer footages saying it’s march 3rd. It was also caught showing clips from old serbian movies about war. They should’ve made it at least more believable for average tv watchers, as we did here.

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Several Western media are fact checking videos about the war, especially the ones going viral, and pointing out the ones that are fake or even scams (and what gives it away).

Edit: Very often the original video or picture can be found online and it is years old and from a different context. Or the material is obviously manipulated if you know what to look for.


Here is a funny one, not exactly “war related” 
 our Prime Minister was supposed to go to the island of Syros for a visit and people started complaining that he is, again, going for weekend vacations (he does that a lot :stuck_out_tongue: ), so he had his people announce that he’d fly to the island, attend whatever he had to attend and fly back in 5 hours.
Photos of him “working” emerged during the weekend.

Well, they forgot to tell him to change his clothes, so he is wearing the same informal clothing in all of them, during all those days :rofl:

All the EU leaders are worried and trying to see what will happen with the war, ours is having a nap in some island. You cannot get more “live your myth in Greece” than that :smiley:


I read stories about Russian army logistics being strained as the war drags on longer than expected.
Also, Ukraine’s defence capability is being bolstered by weapon deliveries from the West. Even supplying Russian made fighter jets to Ukraine from former Warsaw pact countries seems to be back on the table again.

And economically, Russia makes about 0.5 billion $ per day from oil and gas exports, but that is far from enough to cover the 20 billion $ per day that the military effort is estimated to cost Russia. Russia did prepare a 600 billion $ war chest, but much of those assets cannot be accessed as a result of the sanctions.

So there may still be some hope that Russia won’t be able to keep its invasion going very long at this level. Maybe Putin can save face and declare his goals achieved, when he can claim to have at least defeated the Azov battalion?