2022: HOLD MY TEA! 🍵

Isn’t this how that movie “I Am Legend” began?


If we started running the Will Smith catalog, I want my aliens.


I kinda want to change this thread to

2022: Hold me :crying_cat_face:


I haven’t seen that movie, but in the book on which it was based, by Richard Matheson, the vampirism was ludicrously caused by a bacillus. I think there was a suggestion that it had come from space. This wasn’t really a new idea. One or two SF stories in the early 1930s had advanced the idea of diseases from space. In 1979, reality caught up with fiction when Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe published a serious theory on the idea, Diseases from Space. Their book was widely ridiculed at the time, but I don’t know the current status of the idea.

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The idea seems to hold some water:

Not exactly from OUTER space, but hey.

Meanwhile, closer to the ground, my island is burning again and it is not even summer yet … :thinking:


Need more windmills :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Quite so. It reminds me of an old “Mortadello y Filemon” comic image where there is a drunk dude with a pressed top-hat crawling inside the train track and exclaiming “isn’t that a cool ladder, fellas? It never ends!!” … it was funnier in drawing and in context of the page, but hey …

“Take a break from the big city in the Novgorod region”

Russia is huge and empty though. Why Novgorod in particular? Is there anything nice there?

It’s a tourism ad banner, that’s why. I saw a whole bunch about my home region. We always laughed at it because we know there’s nothing interesting there.

Saw recent 1420 video? This guy gets it

(actually he says bums/hobos instead of poor)

A hobo travels and is willing to work; a tramp travels, but avoids work if possible; and a bum neither travels nor works.

Didn’t know that

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It includes the production of cars without Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) sensors, airbags or Emergency Locking Retractors (ELR) for seatbelts.

Not too sure what will it be in practice but, you know.


Indigo Traveller is travelling eastward through Ukraine at the moment. He has just visited Kyiv and some nearby smaller cities:

He is now heading for Kharkiv for the next episode.

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Went to recruitment point/conscription board. Again. Didn’t take me.

And no wonder. When the country is united against Western imperialist forces once again, young people are lining up to defend their land. /s

Didn’t let me go either. Gotta go for medical on Monday.



I was deleting irrelevant youtube suggestions, when I noticed something funny:
Many titles going by “person living off the grid makes craft/food/shelter etc”

Ahem… people, just a heads-up:
if you have a youtube/tiktok/meta/insta/weibo/vk channel posting videos of you doing some woodworking, cooking, trekking, knitting, building etc, you are definitely NOT living “off the grid”.

:woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming: :woman_facepalming:


I’ve used custom css to hide them altogether, so much better in my opinion. Also, more space for the actual video that you’re watching.

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We had a similar one made 30+ years ago and it is, indeed, a masterpiece. I will watch some of it for sure.

Since then the soldiers themselves got to doing that work themselves. Alas the Greek army, realising that they were getting totally ridiculed on a world-wide scale, cracked down on those YT videos and only few old ones remain.

Two examples of what happens to your brain when immeasurable boredom sets in:

But my absolute favorite is the SUPER BREAD (this is true by the way, not staged. Next day’s Greek army bread is all mighty) … you do not need to understand what they are saying. Just look what the bread can do against the metal shelf and then the brick wall :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: By the way, you can bet good money that they later served that bread to the other soldiers … tales of the cooks playing football with the frozen chickens on the floor and then baking them and serving them as edible are … well … let’s say that they are not really “tales” :melting_face:

Hey, Tsururin channel uploaded a video with Chou U about thumego. As they said 超~スペシャルゲスト. Get it? 超~ as in ちょうう. All Japanese words really are the same.

Japanese still wear masks and bother with plasic screens.

Cho U made several points about good tsumego:

  1. Appearance → simplicity → fewer stones is better
  2. Appearance → simplicity → spacially narrow rather than taking a lot fo space
  3. Appearance → beauty → realistic shapes
  4. Appearance → beauty → unique shapes
  5. Tesuji → good tesuji → creative, new
  6. Tesuji → pleasant feeling

They also talked about inevitable mvoes, content, difficulty but no idea what they said. So annoying that I failed at Japanese and can’t really enjoy these types of videos.

cc @cdavis.7m @Vsotvep who else might be interested?


Very cool. I am subscribed to the Tsurulin channel but I heard of it here first. Though this discussion is beyond my skill for sure. I appreciate they put the terms on screen because I am comfortable with a dictionary. At best I can follow some of the game commentary where the variations help me recognize the words in context. Even then I am mostly lost. I find that Tsuruyama is good to listen to. I think he just did one of the recent live streams. He was talking slower and giving Kyu level teachings. Rin Kanketsu also gave commentary recently, twice I believe. But he seems to talk faster.

I haven’t seen Cho U speak before. I wish there were more videos online from when he was on top of Japanese Go. Who else is even releasing Tsumego anymore? I know some Pros have YouTube and Twitter for giving problems these days, but Cho is releasing books and I appreciate that. I recently went through his book for 4x4 go board problems (99% Kyu level) and it was fun. He also seems like a good Dad and his daughter’s are strong Go players. The more I see of Cho U the more I respect him.

I just got the joke :joy:

Well, it was made to … bounce around hahaha

And after that the channel changed the name to Bricol Tv? :stuck_out_tongue:
Good God that was awesome … it just dawned to me that this is now going to be in my mind the default image for Pratchett’s “dwarven bread” :rofl:

Yeah, that’s very wise.
You cannot see the wisdom of that when you are the one swipping pineneedles in an army base full of pines, while a wind-storm is blowing, but if you are an officer, it is true :melting_face:

More on topic:

Soon Greece is going to be first in gasoline prices in Europe! Come on, we are so close! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Good news on AI, neurons and intelligence. Since a lot of the Go community has some interest in AI, this might be worth watching: