2023: “Things change, and they don’t change back.”

Yes, the adds some stress on the word and can add hostility but not because it implies a monolith it simply adds stress. Jewish people, Jews, the Jews. Isn’t it?

Anyway, over here we have our own soft language speak. You know, like it’s not a war, it’s a military operation since no one declared any wars on anyone. It’s more accurate. Self-isolation instead of quarantine. Negative growth. Hard landing instead of crash.




I knew that before I could walk.


Well, why would I ever want to give a person my attention who says that 30 books in a house are enough (or too many already, can’t remember) …


Some (right wing) political parties here make a point of distinguising between “people” and “the people”. With the latter term, they usually mean their (aspired) supporters.

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I meant what is the reasoning for the people that seem to believe that stuff. Why they have allowed that conviction to happen.

The companies and the marketing, well, at least that makes perfect sense. I may find it morally questionably to skew reality and language in order to create insecurities to a big group of people in order to boost your sales, but it is a motive that is not inscrutable or beyond comprehension.

It is really hard to explain and very fun to hear them try. Even if you ask that question to people who really believe that. It eventually devolves to a “it is just not good behaviour” or “it does not feel right” kind of thinking, but without any actual reason behind it.

Various “gurus” that like to tell people how to live their lives eventually realise that their own advice was utter BS and are not following it. Hardly surprising.
What is surprising and kind of admirable is that she … well… came clean with that fact :innocent:


Wow, I was not expecting so many to revel in Marie Kondo breaking from her own advice. I guess she struck quite a nerve with a lot of people…


Myself, I just like the memes



I have a lot to say, primarily how I feel about entitled gurus who dictate how to live our lives from their comfortable point of view but would never survive in our shoes, not even for half a day. Or for all those mothers of three who got shamed because of Mari Kondo (especially by in-laws and spouses) because their house “didn’t spark any joy”. Or about all those gurus who emply a nanny, a gardener, an accountant, a maid, a cook, a chauffeur, a PA, a personal trainer, a fashion specialist and a make-up artist 365/year yet they feel they have the right to judge the life styles of people who can’t even afford a bottle of milk, let alone a dedicated cook.
What I have to say is quite unprintable, so I’d better not say it.

I must congratulate Mari Kondo, though, because she at least admitted the obvious U-turn, even if she sugar-coated it and that this is a difficult thing to do in her line of work.

Oh well, life lessons exist for us to learn them. :woman_shrugging:


As if in-laws are the proverbial sparks of joy on most married couple’s lives :stuck_out_tongue:
I never understood the whole “guru” or “celebrity advice” kind of thing on how people should live their lives and I am baffled by the things that some people claim to have found profane wisdom in ( Jordan Peterson fans come to mind :sweat_smile: ). However, I have to say that they are all useful about one thing sooner or later and that is creating drama and fun, because eventually they talk so much to get attention and money that they cannot even keep up with their own BS. Very recent example that a friend sent me these days:

If someone ends up with those people dictating their lives or even taking advice from such “gurus”, then that’s a whole different kind of disaster and you have way more serious problems than whatever the “guru” is currently selling solutions for.

Someone told me that there was a small march for “freedom for Tate” in Athens by some moronic fans of his … these kids need a LOT of help and they do not even realise they’ve got problems. :thinking:


Geoguesser but with time


That’s cool!

After playing one game with five rounds:

Final Total: 2487

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Got highest total 3385 because I kept doubting my first-instinct choices.
I was thinking a year within the range in my head and choosing another year, even decade, on the slider because I didn’t think it would be “that easy”.

(Now I have to beat that score, there goes my sleep.)


Jeez!—sounds like Dick’s Martian Time-Slip At least it’s not the air monopoly in Total Recall (also based on a Dick story).


And conveniently called “a Dick move” even if someone has never even heard of the author … :innocent:

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I bet people go there for the gossip, not the game.