2023: “Things change, and they don’t change back.”

Again with that joke, I guess it’s the elections in a couple of months. Whatever can be printed in a front page goes :roll_eyes:

If this article is accurate, it is unsettling.

Anyway, I post this here to ask two questions:

  • if the job description is not about appearance but about other skills, why is it legal or even acceptable to check appearance?
  • why are we never criticizing the interviewers who organize ridiculous interviews? All I read in job interview articles is how to please the company, never how to check if the company people are sane.
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It usually isn’t. But when did that ever mean much.

Well, I guess it’s time for another round of “women and Go” firework spectacle…

Well, this is the internet, so at least the first answer can be found.

if the job description is not about appearance but about other skills

I found the listing from the same company, about the same airline, but for the Greek hiring. Here is the link:

They are using a script so there is permalink, so here are the images:

If you click on the Greece recruitment link, it takes you here:

So, yes, apparently what the article mentioned about the requirements is, indeed, true and the company considers a specific appearance as a “skill”. :thinking:

I am very perplexed about this, to be honest:

Ability to swim unaided

Why is that needed for an airplane?

Anyway, back to your questions:

why are we never criticizing the interviewers who organize ridiculous interviews?

The company itself has a dress-code for the interviews, further enhancing the focus on appearance:

All I read in job interview articles is how to please the company, never how to check if the company people are sane

The standard evasion for that is that they are part of a “different culture” and that we shouldn’t impose our values on them. I had found a video about how companies profit from that type of excuse, but I cannot remember where it is. I may post it later.

Air hostess jobs do have appearance requirements, however the candidates shouldn’t need to strip.
The uniform shown fully covers the parts that were stripped.


In case of emergency, the plane could land on the sea, and flight attendants need to provide assistance to passengers.


No argument there, I just found the information.

Quite so. They might have a shot at a legal case, since the company itself provides such images and dress code directives that explicitly specify the appearance of the candidates.

Good point. It didn’t occur to me because, by my thinking, crashing into the water is usually fatal so, I’d hardly complain that a flight attendant failed to assist me. However, now that you mentioned it I did check and the statistics say that waterings (not a real word, but you cannot land on water, right?) seem to have a very high rate of survival. That’s a nice new thing to know :slight_smile:

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“He claims that Noma isn’t shutting down due to costs, but just in October of this year the business added $50,000 to its monthly labor costs when it started paying its interns. I guess they had just been there for the love of shaping fruit leather into beetles?”

(yes I could have posted the original source but I like the comments here)

I hope no uneducated journalists call his spawn “prince of Greece” again in the news cycle.


There will be a lot of gossip with the will.
The British relatives are interested.

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Yeah, we already have enough rulling families in Greece, we do not need another one added to them :rofl:
As one of them said in an event here, after he had chilled down amongst us yokels and there were no media around “hey, I’ve got four kids, so yeah … you’ll be hearing my surname for a loooong long time”

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chess, Go, now that:




Is this on topic for “things change and they don’t change back”? Even if it’s just politicians playing to the gallery


Yeah, imagine going down the road that they will eventually have to give every stolen item back. The horror.


Which is exactly what she said it seems:
“It would “open the gateway to the question of the entire contents of our museums”, she said.”


Hecking Cho Chikun doing sabaki with white stones


interesting: https://www.fastcompany.com/90831693/sony-will-help-you-feel-like-astronaut-with-new-space-camera

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It’s really hard to feel sorry for Logan Paul’s crypto victims.