Just a new player hoping to improve. I’ve been playing since mid-December and really love this game, but I feel I’m very weak. Just need some guidance. Thank you very much.
Hi there! Although I’m not suitable to teach anyone, really, I’m not that much stronger than you, so my moves won’t feel so much from outer space like SDK or Dan moves (although do take up those teaching offers, they’re valuable).
We could play a correspondence game if you’d like, and discuss some basic stuff that may come up.
Challenge me if you’re interested
And have fun with Go, it’s a very rewarding torture
If you link a game of yours here, Im sure there is someone giving good feedback in a review!
As an alternative for teaching games.
Here’s a link to a recent game! Game Finished Thank you for the idea @Tschej
I wrote a bit to the game. I hope it helps in some way, and if anyone disagrees with me or sees something differently, please do not hesitate to add comments/correct comments.
Generally I was impressed with the level of play. This is not what I expeced when I saw the ranks.
Thank you again!
Yes, there were quite some good Go habits like good openings, a grasp on bases and shape, tenuki-ing often, etc. Well played and nice review Tschej.