3D visualizations of some famous Go games

Here is a link to my YouTube channel, where you can find a 3D visualizations of a well-known Go games - Ear Reddening game, Blood-vomiting game, Atomic bomb game, AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol (5 games) and others.

Hope you will enjoy it! :slight_smile:


UFOs!!! :grin:

The moving board is quite disorienting.


If someone could 3d amine the Conquest of Go board with pieces connected as walls and castles, it would be pog.



Interesting, I never thought about this moment.
The moving camera around adds sort of “virtuality”, I thought…
Maybe I shoud make another camera mode, when camera position is restricted in some limits, not around the board.
Thanks for help!

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Very cool! What software did you use for this? I tried something similar in Blender once, but animating each individual stone by hand was a task i wasnt ready for… x) gave up after move 20 or so haha. Theres gotta be a more efficient way of doing this i bet. Consider adding satisfying clacking sounds when the stones touch the board :smiley:

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I wrote an application which creates a video like this from an .SGF file. C#, OpenGL and so on… Now I can visualize any game like that very quickly :slight_smile:
Creating a whole game in Blender is very ineffective way, sure (However, I know the case, when someone did it in this crazy way, yeah).
I thought about sounds, but I never worked with sounds, don’t know, how now to do it, so I need a time to learn it, and the time is the thing I don’t have enough now :slight_smile:
If you want, I can make such video of one of your game, message me if you want :wink:


Motion makes the video more interesting for someone who isn’t interested in the moves and the game itself.

For those trying to follow the flow of the game, having a rotating board feels unnatural. Players are used to see the whole game from same side of the board.

Hope this helps. :slightly_smiling_face:


I think, you are right. Oh, I spent so much time to create this automatic system of flying camera… :cry:
I don’t want to throw it away completely, so I think, I just restrict a room for camera moving, so the view point will stay at the same side.
But then I will have to remake all these videos… Okay, now I know what to do on my New Year Holiday :grin:
@Lys , thank you for your advice. And (if you want) I’ll make for you a video of any game you choose, just message me.


You could have different Experimentation on one game first. And get feedback.
A few movements give life. A few zooming sometimes maybe. Different fixed perspective. But most of the time, fixed will have preference for easyness of reading. Timing of change may be crucial. Then get the balance for getting most pleasure. A lot is in the “few” i think it doesn’t need a lot (which can be frustrating on the designer side)

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I was reminded of the Sai vs Toya koyo match in Hikaru no go manga. I always love how they portray the online match like in a virtual space, where one side just floating in the darkest of virtual space. And I don’t think the anime capture that atmosphere very well. Wonder if it can be done with a 3D visualization.


I don’t think prioritizing visual appeal over clarity is necessarily bad in this situation. It’s offering a unique portrayal of famous games that sgf files in OGS or Sabaki can’t replicate. I’d continue playing to the strengths of your format, and not worry about trying to be an sgf viewer.


There are already 3D sgf viewers existed for decades, so really has to dig deeper into the visual art part.


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Thanks for advice. I’m not a designer, just amateur Go player and a developer, so find a perfect balance for me is not easy task. Before people told me that rotating board is bad, this thought just did not come to my brain, I viewed these rotating videos and enjoyed, there was no problem for me :grin:
I think, the perfect scenario is different for every person, and I see my goal is to make more different options in my application to satisfy more persons. Some of them (free-fly camera) has more fun, some of them (static camera) is for public match review, for example.
I think, I’ll add a mode “random camera fly in restricted area with fixed positions” too.


If you give me an .SGF of this game - I can visualize it, sure :wink:
But, unfortunately, my application can’t show it that way, like it was in anime, even close to it :cry: It will be just another version…

Thanks for the kind words, my purpose was this - to show Go games as a beautiful 3D animation - stones fly in, fly out, that’s beautiful, isn’t it? But I’d like to try to satisfy more persons as well :slight_smile:

But that’s nice, and useful. I mean if there is a local fight taking the focus you may create a temporary zoom on the area.
With these famous games come a lot of variations and commentaries which could be integrated from time to times.
Anyway that was suggestions, no request and follow your interest for sure!

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Thanks for this, I did not know about it, though I googled about 3D Go viewers before I started to create my application. I found only “SunXi Go Screen Saver”, which picture is, by the way, very similar to this U3DC. And there was no any stone animations, which my application has :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

Yes, I understood you, focusing on local fights and displaying a comments (and also a common game information, like player names and ranks) is in my “todo list”, unfortunately I don’t have enough time to do it now (this project still don’t generates any income :frowning: ), but I think, I will.

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By the way, anyone who want to support my project, can do it here:

More art design and more flexible animations might be your way of differentiating with U3DC.

U3DC has a wide range of customization though, it’s sad that it just stopped there and never continues (it even supports gtp protocol, which means it can potentially be an interface for any online Go servers). I wonder why there was never a need for a 3d client before.

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