4-4 corner-> keima approach-> kick

Hello everyone. I have a question maybe you can help me to resolve.

In my IRL games, i find often that when i approach to a corner with an enemy stone in 4-4 point, he answer with a diagonal move touching my stone. I response extending up to the center. It is said it is bad for the so called defender to do such movement. And of course in Go everything depends of what it is in the rest of the board.

Lets say its happends just after taking all four corners, first approach, kick. If after extending de defender make a keima in the opposite direction, looks to me not a bad result for the defender, so, why is such a bad move? where are the weakness and where can the attacker take adventage of the response?

Thanks in advance. I apologize for not add any diagram but i still dont know how o do it.

It used to be considered bad, but these days we just don’t know anymore. Also, please understand that “bad” was from a pro perspective, so here we are just talking about a couple points difference at most.

I would recommend to keep an open mind and experiment with it. You just need to be aware that the diagonal move doesn’t seal the corner, and there is still aji at or around the 3-3 point.


Kicking the approaching stone is generally considered to be bad in most cases (notice that there are very important cases where this is not true) because it makes the approaching stone unnecessarily stronger. This makes it harder to attack and you help that stone make territory.

However, if you have an extension along the side, it is a common (and often good) joseki to kick the keima approach to make it heavy, get rid of its eye space, and force it to run into the center.