Use this category for OGS site and forum support
Hi, -don´t know if I am right here… but I can´t find an easy way to report a problem somewhere in the menu and I don´t understand to find a place in the topics.
I just played a live9x9-tournament
and was beaten in the “final”, but that was my first loss and its called double elimination. So for the logic there should have been a second final with the same opponent to double eleminate me, I thought, - but it wasn´t.
Is this by purpose?
Scoring phase: prfam did not read life of gropu pproperly… forced me to add a stone.
Had to play N18 to get proper status of group for my points.
A post was split to a new topic: Blocked from Playing?
This post’s purpose was to explain the category, not to discuss support issues in this thread.
If you have any problem that needs support …
please search the Support category for other issues like yours,
and if you cannot find one, please create a new post in the Support category …
- with the title as telling as possible,
- and as much information in the post as might be needed.
Thank you!