Absolute time inspired discussions

Yeah sorry about that :slight_smile: (maybe there was a better branching point)

It was just where the discussion forked from :slight_smile:

Loosely, it has meandered a lot so far :slight_smile:


Fortunately, it seems “check that passing changes the expected score by less than 0.49” is a solution that works for everyone, if @bunburyist 's evaluation of it in relation to absolute time is accurate

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Did anyone propose removing it completely?

On OGF!? Never :rofl:


We oft hear this lament “OGS threads are so undisciplined” etc

Actually, they are conversations, and conversations do this.

Are the participants having fun, that is the question :wink:

Edit: I feel it’s important to note that I was just responding to us laughing at each other when the thread meanders. That’s totally different to recognising an important new topic, deserving of its own whole conversation, such as this one. As witness - 50 replies so far all discussing more-or-less the one thing, while leaving the parent conversation to tackle other concepts. Yay!


I appreciate that people do want to talk and have fun :slight_smile: I’m guilty of part of the meandering :slight_smile:

I’m also trying to strike a balance to let people that want to change the Anti-escaping and Anti-stalling systems do so in a productive way in the thread that’s about that topic :smiley:


I do not know if we could, but we should market that:

They also have boards, apparently… :sweat_smile:


Haha no worries at all, it seems like a logical place to split

Don’t remove features, just demote them to being hidden under a “More” menu. You don’t gain back what you lost when implementing them.