AI backend updates

Hello All,

In a few minutes I’ll be rolling out an update to the AI review system. In theory folks won’t notice anything different, however where the reviews are stored and how they are accessed has changed significantly so if you are having problems with reviews, first try reloading the page, if that doesn’t work let me know about it here!

For those interested in what this update is about, this update does a few things: It introduces a much better load balancing priority queue system on the back end so reviews should process faster and hiccups should be significantly shorter. We’ve also moved where the data is stored to some much larger servers, so we should be able to keep reviews around for quite awhile. More importantly though it paves the way for automated cheat detection and replacing our auto-scoring system with one that’s backed by our AI cluster. In the interest of not breaking too much at one time, neither of those things are part of this update, however they are pretty close.


Cheat detection on the way, yay! :slight_smile:


Will the new backends show best move(s) alternatives to the ones played (to help us figure out how we should have played in a given situation)? KaTrain (on the desktop) has this feature, and it would be great to have here.

That all sounds very good. AI review doesn’t seem to be working for this game:
I tried refreshing the page and disabling / re-enabling AI review, but it still doesn’t work. Thanks.


Our current AI review already does this, and it will not be taken away with any future upgrades.


yap it currently does not work for me either, while I am getting scores, I am not getting the alternative move sequences at all right now

they are not marked on the board

It looks like the AI review didn’t run properly on that game.

I triggered it again to see if that helps.

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@anoek Looks like there’s definitely a problem… AI analysis not showing on board.

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I’m working through some issues now, basically the initial win/loss graph is showing up because they have a higher priority and process pretty quickly, but the full review moves are pretty backlogged. I’m trying to figure out if there’s a problem or if it’s just taking awhile to catch up.


Seems to be working now :slight_smile:


It is working again now, thanks.


A lot less comments on this announcement than I expected :thinking:

How many comments can be expected on something that doesn’t change anything for us?!
If it said “but you’re all going to lose a stone in rank” then I’d expect some views to be aired…


I’m sure there will be more once there are visible changes :slight_smile:

This doesn’t mean (strong) AI will be used for the in-game score estimator, right? Asking because there was speculation on issue #1274.

AFAIK this is an ongoing discussion for a decision that is not yet set in stone, with advocates on both sides and in-between .

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Ongoing discussion

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There is more discussion elsewhere on this topic but i can’t remember if it’s here on the forums or over at GitHub

We did discuss this a while back in the forums though I too have not been able to unearth that thread yet. Maybe time for a new one :slight_smile:


Is this the wrong thread? Improving the score estimator
Or this one had lots of example games Score estimator improvements

Or katago in scoring phase Use KataGo for Scoring

A mix of both discussed Cheating with the score estimator


Yes. Those’ll do nicely. Cheers.