AI based score estimation and auto-scoring is now live

So with that seki example, it might give a hint still that maybe black can live here.

Similarly in this example

I don’t think it would be unreasonable that some players might think the black stones in the upper right are dead: they can’t partition the area into two eyes (if they see a ko it’s unwinnable). But of course they can throw in and create a Oshi-Tsubushi at Sensei's Library .

I think the algorithm will still say that black has more stones in the unsettled area so give it to Black, which if you have an idea how it works and that it’s katago might still tip you off to think again and try to live.

Then what about the bottom left corner and spaces that are big enough to try live in but it’s unclear When is 3-3 alive?

I’m guessing there’s some fractional point values being assigned that determines the size of the squares? Suppose it’s something like +1=black and -1=white and the values of territory go anywhere between +1 to -1 and 0 within some error tolerance is unsettled.

It’s not clear who would have the most stones in the “unsettled area” in such big areas of the board.

In any case my idea gives far more away most of the time, so it’s not a good idea to rely only on pass alive areas from katago. I still think it’s hard to design an intelligent score estimator that won’t give something away.