An idea about game history

I don’t know if it exists. But it would be a great idea to integrate a game history (I don’t know if this is the word in english, in spanish is historial) to see the games that you have saw or reviewed in the order that you did it. Like the games you played that are listed in your profile (Although these are public)

hahaha I thought about this because I remember a play that caught my attention in a game that I saw a long time ago, but I do not remember exactly what game it was, I only vaguely remember the players who participated.



There is a separate history already for reviews and demo boards that you created yourself, just under game history in the profile page. That could one way for example to “save” a game for later, that is start a review of it.

The other thing can do is just bookmark the game :slight_smile: One could create a bookmarks folder just for it.


I think you mean something like the browser history: last viewed pages, is it right?
Of course you can have it inside your browser, but it’ll be mixed with all other sites you’ve visited.

I never checked if my browser history could be filtered by site… it could be useful

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