i guess it may need to go back and forth three times for an unknown reason??
i’m only 14k
but yes, i guess if you repeat the board position you accept the score as is, meaning the player who is loosing (the player with the fewest stones on the board) would be forced to give away the ko…
That would mean white wins all kos until black has managed to capture [komi] more stones than white. White could just play solidly and that way keep this advantage.
ok, glad you brought this up but i had another post that describes how you can play 2 games to avoid using komi, i still think white would get 0.5 komi cuz he went last but,
if both players have played 20 moves and a ko starts, and no stones taken yet, white or black could force a tie
and if one thought he was in a better board position he could give up the ko and plaly away
(edit: on second thought, there doesn’t neeeed to be a 0.5 komi, games can end in a tie, it wouldn’t be a big deal, chess has stalemates…)
Worse maybe, that you actually win the game (if repetition ends the game), or completely prevent the ko from being started
Though maybe the idea is no komi? It does seem it will change the game fairly dramatically though as far as ko is concerned, and that in itself is a big part of life and death.