Analyze Mode Display Glitches - Android Chrome

Hi All,

I pushed up a new version this morning that should work around the chrome bug. It works in all my tests, let me know if anyone still has any problems.


Woo hoo! (Works on my phone now).

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Works for me too, thanks :heart:

thank you for the fix.

not asking for further fixes, but rather just reporting, that after a few days of tests, i noticed that the home page loads noticeably slower, and sometimes chrome just freezes.

Oh that’s not good, I’ll try and figure out what happened to cause that.

For my information, are you using the list view or the mini-boards on the home screen?

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mini board display, with around 20 games

moto G 5s plus
android 8.1.0
chrome 78.0.3904.90

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