Analyzing the newest version of Leela's Gamestyle

So the newest version of the Leela has arrived at Leela 0.9.0 (2017-02-18). It’s totally free and you can download it… So i would like to hear what kind of game style this New Leela has? What’s the game style? Here you can check it and download into your computer.


FYI if you don’t know, I do run a bot here called RoyalLeela. :slight_smile: She’s roughly 5d at the moment and has just under 2000 ranked games. Currently running 0.9.4beta (the author allows me to have beta copies to test vs the player base here).


Well all i can tell you is that her style is better than mine :smiley: why don`t you find out yourself? :slight_smile:

It’s pretty well balanced in terms of influence/territory and thickness/looseness. I’ve noticed that it likes fighting though. It’s not a peaceful bot. :slight_smile: