Hi, I can see in my profile (Game History) all the annulled games (the ones with a strikethrough text and greyed out, which I think can happen for a number of reasons and in my profile I could find 3: Disconnection, Cancellation and Timeout) when I’m using the website in my computer. However I don’t see these games when I enter the website in my Android Tablet. Is it designed on purpose like this (it doesn’t make sense to me) or am I missing some filter?
You probably have the ranked toggle activated on the tablet at the top of game history. Click on ranked again and the annulled games should show up.
Oh, there it is the filter, in my face Thank you.
Just confirming one thing: it’s impossible to see the annulled games and not the ones that I created as unranked right? When I turn off the “Ranked” filter I see all the annulled games, but also the ones I deliberately created as unranked (ok, as expected, it makes sense to see everything since I turned off all the filters). I just believe that “annulled games” is such a different category that it would deserve an extra filter.
It’s true you can’t filter by them on your profile page, but in the results column they do have their own colour, so it’s not too hard to tell them apart I think.
Yeah, they are grey, struck through and without background color, easy to spot. But anyway, since the maximum of games per page is 50 and you can’t skip pages, that’s a missing feature. Should I post in “OGS Development”?
Why not?
You can jump to a certain page, if that’s what you mean?
Down the bottom of game history, where it says 1 / 6 (at 50 games per page), that 1 is actually a text box you can put any number in there to jump to that page in your history, if that helps.
Also, while there is no way to only see annulled games, if you want to only see the unranked games that aren’t annulled, that’s how the “unranked” button currently works.
Great, that solves half of the problem, that text box is a little bit hidden but that’s fine (maybe I’d ask to be able to show a little more, I guess at least 100 games per page). The annulled issue remains, I think it could be useful to see only the annulled games and not the opposite, to hide them.