Anything goes here

There’s too many threads one can post in. Here you have a thread where you can post whatever it is without bothering to find a proper place to post.


A post was merged into an existing topic: What non-Go book are you reading right now?

We already have the following thread:

Perhaps this should be moved there?


I think it’s worthwhile to at least try to find a relevant thread. For example, to discuss books, you could use this one:

Having random, anything goes threads just makes for disorganized conversation and probably less effective communication.


I like @yebellz’ suggestion better :slight_smile:


That’s true. Now the search is sometimes an efficient tool available to find a relevant older topic.

The longest thread (soon 6000 posts!)of the forum is very similar as the one suggested here but for regulars only. Soo long and active that we already are thinking on how we will proceed when we reach the limit of the software.

Inside there are posts of any things (including books)

Organization has its drawbacks. A strict requirement can sterilize as in science where many discoveries are at the boundaries between discipline. The first answer is about a book so yes it logically would fit in the book topic. But i may be more interested about coronavirus which this book may be a good contribution to that topic too. I can figure even more topics it could fit in.
@Vsotvep suggestion is interesting but that topic is not covering all as it is about “questions” and even that first contribution is not a question at all.

Anyway there are a lot of things that people don’t really want to start a full topic with, in a different way to communicate under a simple chronological order, and the regular topic success is quite a proof that it makes sense.

I can fully understand the wish to have one for everyone.


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Pictures From Home


So too many plus one solves this problem?

Brain freeze?


You know what? Screw it. This forum is so toxic. I’m done trying to participate here. Regardless of other threads recently, seems like even this is worth trolling me for.

We already have the following thread:

No. That thread is for questions.

Having random, anything goes threads just makes for disorganized conversation and probably less effective communication.

So what?

Brain freeze?

Outright trolling me.

Bye everyone, all the best and enjoy your self-righteousness.


I can’t speak for the others, but I was just trying to suggest some related topic in the format of “anything goes”, in case you weren’t aware of its existence. In no way was I trying to troll you, to the contrary, I was trying to be helpful. I’m sorry that I failed in doing so.

Similarly, @yebellz found a thread about books specifically, that would fit perfectly with talking about / recommending “Immune”.

It was mostly a suggestion, in any case… And as Groin mentioned, this wouldn’t be the first or the only thread without a narrowly defined topic. It isn’t a problem as far as I’m concerned.


I don’t know if Atorrantes post was intended to provoke Icedrinker, but I would probably feel irritated too.


Yes I think that the “brain freeze” part was too much. On the other hand I understand that Icedrinker is a newcomer to the forum and proposes to change habits, older forum members may be disturbed by that.