anywhere to see rankings of computer bots?

Since the new UI layout I cant see the ranking of the bots? And clicking on each one is a slow process, and even then many/most of them just have 1 or a few games so an inaccurate ranking?

If click Play Computer

this screen appears:

and there you see the bots ranking.

PS Much more interesting to play humans :rofl:


hmmmm very strange but just doesnt show those rank numbers for me…

And yeh i prefer human play, but just to consistently practice a certain problem … Carnation I find really makes me think about walls at the opposite side of board / not getting caught in small ladders… and that that 1 thing helps me in so many other ways (and i only maybe get into this issue once every 4 games against a human amongst other things so dont know what im doing wrong (many things lol)

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An idea… Maybe you have ranks hidden in your settings?


aaaaaah! thanks! this is it. I like to hide ranks against humans or i either get “oh (r@p, ive already lost” (and I do :laughing:) or “bah, this is going to be too easy” (and it isnt) :rofl:


That’s fine. I hide them too when playing but not when watching games. I use two accounts to avoid confusion but the setting remains the same so I have to switch manually each time.