Yeah, I feel it’s good to have bot matches somewhere visible and handy too for anyone wishing to start by playiing it, though somehow it feels harder to find + calibrate all of the options now than before for a computer match, even without the bugs
(some of the settings seem more relevant to a human vs. human automatch and it feels there’s somehow even more to select, especially for a bot opponent --timesetting flexibility, being flexible to opponent preference etc)
Would a big, sole “play with computer” button in the lower left work ?
maybe instead of making some bots in the list gray with current setting, we should do reverse:
list of all bots, any possible to choose
and then settings that doesn’t work are gray, users are free to choose between settings that are still work
uniting interface of humans automatch with bots is probably bad idea
some bots have limitations that humans don’t have
to start game with bot separate interface is needed, it doesn’t have to look same way as automatch
It does, however if there is a rank difference the system will wait for a a little bit before matching (the bigger the difference, the bigger the wait) in order to provide the chance for a closer match to come along.
That said, 10 minutes is a really long time, it should have matched you by then. I’ll look into that.
There have been a lot of discussions about the changes but fwiw even if there is still room for improvement the changes over the last month or so are overall very positive. Feels a lot more modern and intuitive than the old system. Best change has been the little green queue dots.
The key word is “specialized”; you start with UX and move to UI. UX is about what customer experience you want to have (from the website):
Is the site a helpful product?
Is it usable?
Is it desirable?
Have you made it findable? Will a user know where to find what they’re looking for?
Is it accessible?
Is it credible?
Is it valuable?
Two utterly different things dilute the focus of Anoek’s development: fixing UI bugs for specific screens and thinking about creating a smooth UX experience (e.g., fewer settings, more convenient start game settings, and so on). What I highlighted is that maybe, just maybe, we shouldn’t bother Anoek with interface bugs until we polish the overall UX. The new version with new UX will bring new bugs, making fixing previous ones meaningless – just like when you play stones to make opponent’s stones inefficient.