I entered automatch and opponent cancelled
then I entered automatch again and again same opponent, that time they didn’t cancel
Maybe don’t pair 2 times in a row with same opponent if they cancelled?
There’s some suppression against that, but it’s not a hard prevention
Did you try to refresh a page? Why wait for a hour?
I have a feeling that after a certain amount of time the connection drops, but probably the timer just keeps going.
It could be that refreshing or cancelling and rejoining the queue will at least prevent that from being a possible issue.
Yes I refreshed the page, closed and reopened the browser, canceled and requested again automatch, several times. Sometimes I waited 5 minutes, sometimes 10 minutes, and the last time 1 hour.
Probably automatically appearing message “Try custom.” is needed if no game for 5 minutes. So people who are more interested in finding game than finding bugs, would find game.
There was something weird that happened with the automatch system for about an hour, it seems to have resolved itself but I’m looking into what happened. Definitely try refreshing and restarting the search, it should work as expected now.
I’m starting automatch, timer appears, but “Play Human” button is still here
only when I refresh a page, cancel button appears
what’s going on?
I closed the (Chrome) browser, opened it, opened The Play page and it instantly shows “Searching for game…” green button, without timer in top right
I didn’t press “Play Human”
I pressed green button, so it stopped and blue button appeared
I closed the browser again, opened it and opened The Play page and again it instantly shows “Searching for game…” without pressing “Play Human” button
I think something isn’t quite right (playing on an iPhone).
When I click play human the grey box appears with the “Finding a game” dialogue, but nothing else changes. I am convinced it’s not actually looking for a game.
If I refresh the page the “play human” dialogue disappears and the “searching for a game” dialogue appears. However, it will stay like this indefinitely. I played a full game (selecting some e else’s custom game) and when I came back the “searching for a game” notification was still there.
I realise this is t helpful feedback but I just feel that when I click “play human” nothing is happening.
Ignore my doomsaying, I just tried again now and it seemed to work properly! Cheers
that bug again
and looks like someone else has problem too
Darn, yeah ok it should be working now again. Haven’t found the root cause of that bug yet, it’s the top priority though.