Beginner game - Invasion group dead or alive?

I played this game against my friend. It is black’s move.
My friend was white and thought that their group in the lower right was alive.
They played some moves and made a mistake which let me capture their group.

Is it alive and is there a strategy to try and capture this? During the game neither of us really knew what to do.

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Looks dead.
Capture d'écran 2023-09-01 070520


But equally could be alive since

So I feel like playing it out and seeing what happened was the right approach. And maybe reviewing after the game and seeing for yourselves what different choices might lead to.


Of course I only posted one variation, you should check other variations especially after move 5.


1 seems the best to kill


Being a beginner game, there is every possibility white could capture the 9-6 stone and live


Thanks everyone for your replies and comments!

We did try and play it out afterwards in analysis but white still wasn’t able to live. But we weren’t at all confident in our plodding.

Thanks again!


For a beginner’s game, this is indeed quite impressively well driven and it went in fact naturally in some bit complex life and death and end game position. Congrats!
There could be even more ways to kill for black but 1 (in @jlt dia.) seems the one removing the most future complications anyway.

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