Black passed, but are white’s borders okay to pass too?

Only a neutral point left at F10 (white will have to add a move to protect some stones after Black f10)


Potential aji aside, yes this game can be accurately scored at this stage.

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@flat_chocolate_mount Please don’t ask for comments/hints/advice on games that are still in progress, especially when it is a ranked game, like this one.


Sure, I get that @gennan, thanks for the reminder.

In this case I thought it was okay as it’s clearly end game and it’s clearly visible that my opponent passed. I was unsure about how the scoring behaviour of the system would work.


You must accept the scoring so if the proposed scoring doesn’t seem right you can opt to continue the game

It’s not about not accepting the scoring @VikingKoala, it’s about not understanding how it works.

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Thanks for clarifying @Groin and @BHydden.


Well i understand your wish but anyway trust the system and pass it’s better to come later and ask. We shouldn’t have to check if the game is finished or not, at least warn us on this.


Sorry, understood - no asking anything about a game that’s not finished :+1:


If you need help in finishing a game, a bit like here, better call a moderator who will be aware of the situation but anyway, yes avoid as possible.


Yep, makes sense. I think in future I’ll just finish the game first anyway, and then ask. In this case it wouldn’t have made a difference to me even if I ended up misunderstanding the scoring and lost (for me it was about understanding, not winning this particular game).


We’d be happy to answer your question on this position in more detail when the game has fully finished, so please let us know when it has.


I see that the game has finished now. You (white) won by 63.5 points.

It is actually the case that black passed prematurely. He should have filled F10 instead. That would have forced you to add a defensive move inside your territory, to prevent black from killing (at least) 8 white stones, starting with an atari at F13.
After black F10 and white (say) D12, the game would have been truely finished, so both players would pass and white would win by 62.5 points (1 point less for white).

There was also a hidden trap that white could have stepped into: If you would have played F10 yourself after black’s pass (thinking that F10 was just a dame point), then black’s F13 atari would work to kill (at least) 9 white stones.
So passing was indeed the optimal move for white, but we couldn’t say that when the game was still ongoing, even though you would probably still win if you had stepped into that hidden trap.


Did black pass prematurely or were they late to resign! :wink:


Thanks for the analysis @gennan.