
Is there any way of blocking a player?

Click on any name and select “block”.
You will be presented with two options, to either block messages, or to block him/her from accepting your games. You can chose either or both, but note that currently there is not any implemented way (while there is a workaround) to view all the users you have blocked, so reversing the block can be problematic if you do not remember the username or have blocked a lot of players.

So just make sure you mean it I guess :slight_smile:



Hi Mark, is this way of blocking site wide (including the forums)?

No, forums are extra.

When on someone’s profile you can click on the “normal” and change it to muted or ignored.


What do you mean by

Just don’t try to find these settings with admins, you can’t block them

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Okay guys, I got it :smiley: