Blue Thumbnail Highlighting?

Does anyone know why sometimes when you’re looking at your game thumbnails, some of them are blue?
I know green = your turn and yellow = scoring phase… but I’ve never seen blue before,
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My suspicion is that blue is for a pending undo request, but when I asked the user to check for me it had changed back to green (which neither confirms nor denies my hypothesis)

Does anyone know for sure what blue highlight means?

I have a game that has the blue. It is my opponent’s turn.

Have they requested an undo?

Paused? Weekended? Vacation? Unranked?

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No, I am mistaken, it is blue only when my cursor is on the board. And that is also true of a game where it is my turn.

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Confirmed. Yes. Goes blue with mouse hovering over. Not sure how this applies to phones.

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Maybe weekend pause? True in both my games.

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Can confirm it works on phone too, if you click and hold on a game it highlights at the same time as it opens the right-click menu, you could theoretically accidentally do this while scrolling.

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