Bring back Gooplet!

I have retired from playing Go, but remain an avid watcher…

Where is Gooplet though? I have tried, and failed, to get her back to streaming. The new batch of streamers is fun enough, MidnightTheBlue is funny, but they’re not Gooplet!

  • Gooplet should definitely stream more
  • The world would be a better place with Gooplet streaming
  • Gooplet is Awesome
  • Bring back Gooplet!
0 voters

aww shucks, y’all are very sweet :joy:

i’ve been wanting to return to streaming for awhile now, but it’s one of those things where i keep waiting for the ‘right moment’ :p but i know at this point in my life that there’s never a right moment until i just go ahead and do it.

maybe what would motivate me is if you do a thing you’ve been putting off and then tell me about it ^^


Well, it’s not go related, but I’ve been putting producing off this clip for a couple of years.
(the inline player compresses it horribly, but it plays clean enough on YouTube)


Wow, you rendered that in Blender on a laptop?? That’s some very impressive animation. I can’t say I’m familiar with the text (AN8.5) but the English translation is very interesting. Is it a Buddhist text?

Anyway, now I really don’t have an excuse. i think i’m gonna tidy up and give it a go today ^^

edit: it was a very short stream and at a very very odd time for me but it was fun! i will be back again :eyes:


Nice mutual accountability in action :muscle:

And fun stream :smiley:

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After a few renders, the monitor has permanently warped from the heat!

One of those slowly-slowly changes that I didn’t notice until too late.


Is that a tablet that docks into the keyboard module? So, is there a battery behind that screen?

It looks like your battery is swelling and at risk to explode. I would treat that as a serious fire/safety risk, until a qualified repair person can confirm otherwise and/or replace the battery.


Yes, and yes. I can see through to the battery which has indeed acquired a…friendly round pillow shape. No, but seriously I’ll get onto it in the near future; thanks for the prod - I’ve been living in denial.