Bug with stronger/weaker players pie chart? (resolved: ...not a bug, its a feature :) )

I recently came across a player who has almost exclusively played against weaker bots for their last 500+ games, but over the same period the pie chart on their profile indicates they’ve mostly been playing against stronger players. Is this a bug? Or, given that their rank is essentially exclusively due to bot matches, does the system consider the player’s strength to be different to a 4k who plays mostly humans?

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I notice there is a handicap on the games. @GreenAsJade would know for sure, but I think a weaker player with enough stones may count as a stronger player.


I’d certainly have expected myself to take handicap into account when making that pie :slight_smile:

If it doesn’t that’d be a bug…


Oh of course, I didn’t think about the handicap!


yes, it’s a mistake, but the color coding is good. e.g. a stronger win against an opponent is darker green. May I know when this will be corrected?

What correction are you expecting? The revised title indicates no changes are planned.

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This is my first game here with a new profile. My opponent is 25k, and as you know, new players start with a slightly higher rating. So, for example, if I win the first match, they will be placed among the stronger opponents on the chart. My opponent, according to the color indicator, is ‘weaker,’ yet they were placed among the stronger opponents. Normally, opponents marked with this color (light purple) belong among the weaker ones.


Your current rating is 534 and theirs is 570, so they are indeed stronger than you. I am not sure why the game history table shows you as stronger. Perhaps one section pulls data from before the game and the other from after? This is theoretically possible as before the game you were 710 and thus stronger, but I am not sure why the chart and the table would be using different data points.

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Maybe one part is using the central rank and the other is using the humble rank.

I thought humble rank was either removed or neutered recently… but not certain about that… maybe @benjito or @GreenAsJade can shed some more light on it?


Correct, see discussion on the New Rank Chooser PR: