Can someone help me understand scores

It is my understanding that one dead stone counts for 2 points. Is that correct?
So if my opponent lost 7 stones that will add to 14points?
My territory was 45 points plus 14 points = 59 points

I have counted my opponent points plus my dead stones which were 3 add to 6 points + territory= 41 So 41+6 = 47 points.

The result was that he won by 7 points. Is there something that I do not understand? BTw, no komi 0

Thank you

A dead stone on the board can be counted as 2 points, because it is 1 capture plus 1 intersection of territory underneath. Captured stones do not count for 2 points just because they’re captured stones.


Here’s your confusion: a captured stone is worth 1 point, not 2. One says a captured stone on the board is worth 2 points, but that’s only because one counts the capture point plus the territory point.

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Well, @smurph that was almost simultaneous :wink:

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Timing attack! :slight_smile:

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Thank you