Can we get an SGF database dump?

Not an error, just an interesting oddity in the data: this game appears to have a komi of “64.64”. Which is neither an integer or half-integer. Kilpperts Oxy (note: not to be confused with CHOWpperts Oxygen)


Interesting game chat, too…

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Has anyone attempted to generate tsumego problems from this SGF dump?

I’m specifically interested in creating problems of ladders and nets. So far I’ve looked at GoTools collection of computer generated ladder problems.

I also saw that @hexahedron implemented a ladder search for KataGo, I wonder if that could be used to search the database of games to find positions automatically. Maybe even combine with KataGo itself to evaluate how “interesting” a position is, to exclude very basic positions.

I suggest you to open a new thread for this to get more attention.

@za3k, are the updates, which you talk about in the first post of this thread (Can we get an SGF database dump?), being made with which frequency? And are you able to edit that first post, to change it with the latest ones? The Internet Archive thing still has 2021, and the files there start in 2013 - so, as pointed in this thread, there are also many games before that are not included.

I tried to access your home server a few times, now, and I just receive “504 Gateway Time-out” errors. The is there, normally.

When you update that collection, write in the update notice the date when the whole game set was read. For now, I want to have no 504 error to a possibly more complete dataset. I see posts here from the last 60 days, so there should be not many spiderwebs around…

Best regards. :smile::nerd_face:

I have come across another issue.

In some game records, like game 2602573 or game 3647667, the player names include backslashes as their last character. These backslashes are not escaped in the SGF conversion and mess up the file:


SGF-parsing programs like Sabaki and KataGo see this and think that black’s name is diegoluc]PW[Kimsbike and that there is no white name specified.

This is indeed the proper interpretation, as some players legitimately use ] in their name. For example, this is represented in SGF as PW[[V\]oR0BuSHek].

If you should update your dataset in the near future, it would be great if you could have backslashes in names consistently escaped, for example like this: PB[diegoluc\\]. :blush: