Cannot see details of variations left for me

I have a number of variations saved for me e.g. here correspondence but when I click on them (Safari) it just takes me to that move in the game, and no branch is visible, no variation details. Variations were left by someone who wasn’t part of the original game - do they somehow default to ‘private’?

What’s causing this?


If you hover over it (not clicking it) you see some marked points.

Note that I see them fine here Lucky_Punch 007 vs. kazutamin so not a local setup issue and either

  • yoonyoung using unsupported workflow (eg game must be marked review first)
  • permission settings associated with her user ID
  • other

Either way would like to know if 1) recoverable so I can see variations and 2) whether a particular workflow she should be using instead


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Apparently this wasn’t unexpected- would only see the variations if a review created.

Was it done intentionally so that one would have to create a review to see them or?

I had thought so but when Korea came back online I checked and seemed not - just to leave me key points on game (we had discussed variations). I had wanted to look back and re-review, but sounds like I’ll need to ask for review creation for that.