I have recently read science-fiction novel “Starborne”, by Robert Silverberg, which heavily features the game of go.
There are a few games described in a surprising amount of detail, although it’s clear that the author is not a go player.
Here is an extract:
At move 141 he launches what he suspects is a hopeless attack, and his forces are easily crushed by Noelle within her own territory. A little while later he finds himself confronted with the classic cat-in-a-basket trap, by which he will lose a large group in the process of capturing one stone, and at move 196 he concedes that he has been beaten.
The classic cat-in-a-basket trap.
I had never heard this expression before. I have searched for it on senseis.xmp.net but couldn’t find a definition. Google is unable to help, due to the staggering number of pictures of cats in baskets that flood the Internet.
Has anyone heard this expression before?
By the description it sounds like it could be snapback, oiotoshi, or a particular shape that results in a snapback or oiotoshi, such as the crane’s nest.