Challonge, The New Game Plan!

Hello all!

The admins at TNL have always been striving to improve. Starting from February 2015, we will implement Challonge for all scheduling/league reporting, in order to simplify and replace the forum-sheet system. Even though this will require a new account on Challonge, you can register quickly with your email, Facebook or Twitter. Your cooperation will help us make the league 50%+ more efficient! :smile: :heart:

Thank you so much for being a part of this league! Registration on Challonge is available at, and you can visit our page at Currently there is only a test tournament among the admins, but we will create one for every monthly class in the future.

Stay tuned for a detailed TNL+Challonge tutorial! :blush: :sunny:


Please create a Challonge account before January 30, 17:00 UTC. Go go go! :smile:

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Great ! Thank you so much for this league ! :smiley:

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Hi! This new system is really welcome, it will allow us to rationalise the schedules and reports, :slight_smile:

I have, however, one comment: as Challonge has its own system of usernames it is possible that our OGS/forum username is already in use in Challonge (that just happened to me, haha). I don’t know if you already figured out a solution, but I suggest that we can enclose our username between underscores – for instance, in my case “ygramul” was already being used, but I could sign up with “_ ygramul _” (without spaces… the forum interface interprets a word surrounded by underscores as italics, lol!). This plan allows for a reasonable similarity between the usernames, which, I think, will be useful in the future.


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Hey ygramul!

Noted, _ ygramul _ (without spaces) will be your Challonge username. :slight_smile: Guys, if your OGS username(s) are already taken on Challonge, don’t hesitate to let me know.

Mine (yellow) was taken in Challonge, my username is now _ yellow _ (without the spaces)

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Anyway I believe you can change your username for a specific tournament.

My name also wasn’t available. registered as terrNL
tell me if you want me to try to change it to_terr_ :slight_smile:

Noted as terrNL. :slight_smile: ~xhu98

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I am emchide. There can be only one!

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Are we supposed to post our Challonge names here? Mine is Samraku, same as here.

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You don’t need to post your names if your Challonge and OGS usernames are the same. But demonstrations of uniqueness are always welcome! :blush:

The test tournament looks already great. I am looking forward to try out…


ok, thanks, just checking.

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My username is two words Infuerno Fenikusu that’s inferno phoenix in Japanese, Challonge does not allow two non-connecting words for your username so I chose Infuerno_Fenikusu

Hey @adsasd have you signed up on the website?

Hi adsasd, are you aware that you need to play a certain number of games before signing up with the league?

looks like I got “xanatax” on challonge :smiley:

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My nick in Challonge is “Оni” with cyrillic letter O.

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wait how many games do you have to play can u tell me all about the novel league starting from the beginning i’m clueless thx for the info :smile:

You’re trolling, right?

If not, check out posts in the Internet Go > Nova League category.