The admins at TNL have always been striving to improve. Starting from February 2015, we will implement Challonge for all scheduling/league reporting, in order to simplify and replace the forum-sheet system. Even though this will require a new account on Challonge, you can register quickly with your email, Facebook or Twitter. Your cooperation will help us make the league 50%+ more efficient!
Thank you so much for being a part of this league! Registration on Challonge is available at, and you can visit our page at Currently there is only a test tournament among the admins, but we will create one for every monthly class in the future.
Hi! This new system is really welcome, it will allow us to rationalise the schedules and reports,
I have, however, one comment: as Challonge has its own system of usernames it is possible that our OGS/forum username is already in use in Challonge (that just happened to me, haha). I don’t know if you already figured out a solution, but I suggest that we can enclose our username between underscores – for instance, in my case “ygramul” was already being used, but I could sign up with “_ ygramul _” (without spaces… the forum interface interprets a word surrounded by underscores as italics, lol!). This plan allows for a reasonable similarity between the usernames, which, I think, will be useful in the future.
Noted, _ ygramul _ (without spaces) will be your Challonge username. Guys, if your OGS username(s) are already taken on Challonge, don’t hesitate to let me know.
My username is two words Infuerno Fenikusu that’s inferno phoenix in Japanese, Challonge does not allow two non-connecting words for your username so I chose Infuerno_Fenikusu