Chat server offline (and other related issues)

Happening again right now

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I have messaged anoek, hopefully he can get us back up soon, sorry for the trouble y’all, and thanks for letting us know.


Aaaaand we should be back up :slight_smile: :tada: Sorry again


Main server seems down right now. Unsure if this related to the chat server being offline. It was being weird for me before it went down because I kept getting an error message while trying to join a group. After that, it gave me error messages when I went home, or tried to look at tournaments.

Seems better now, but it seems that it wasn’t just me by looking at the 9x9 ast tournament chat:

Someone else: “Is your connection bad as well?”

Me: “Yes”

The other person again “ok I thought it was just me”

Yes, there is a server problem. Particularly with the registration system. anoek has been called.

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Okay. The registration system is fixed.

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