Collaborative translation game / exercise

At the beginning, assign colors (one for each base translator; base translation is a possibly incomplete or rough translation) to all sentences. This allows working out of order and in parallel.

Editting of base translation can be participated by other base translators or even beginners of the source language as long as they know target language.

There needs a way to approve or say “enough” to a sentence.

But I’m afraid @Vsotvep is right.

From 趙治勲 in Wikipedia:

  • 「入門者・初心者は、最初は少ない路数の碁盤で学ぼう」という考えから、「よんろの碁」が登場するかなり前の、1994年に発行された『発想をかえる 囲碁とっておき上達法』や『はじめて打つ碁―誰でも楽しく碁が打てるようになる』では、他棋士があまり扱わない3路盤・4路盤・5路盤を詳しく解説している。

Those two books seem interesting to translate. He’s still alive though I wonder if we’d get into trouble.