Collective development of a server for variants

I don’t understand, could you elaborate please?

Sorry I was unclear: I just meant what I have said all along: if you can play a keima you must, otherwise you may play a single move. Edit: In either case a pass is also allowed.

But given a choice between the 2 original options I prefer to allow single moves.

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Would passes be allowed then or would this be a form of no-pass Go?

Is Black allowed to pass in the below board, rather than play the keima that fills in their eye?

If Black passes does that mean white can fill in all the rest of the endgame with single moves, since they have no legal keima to play?

Edit: Messed up the demo, here’s one with no keima for white


Sorry, poorly worded: I meant to allow passing in either case, and have edited my post to say so.

Good test cases! It evidently becomes important to avoid having a group with keima-eyes. In this case keima-if-possible works the same as only-keima, so the if-possible rule has not introduced a complication, but has failed to eliminate one. Keima-optional, on the other hand, works more like normal yose, which is what I was hoping to achieve.


It seems weird to me that white would be allowed to play a bunch more moves grabbing free points while black is forced to just sit there and pass.

But maybe this variant is just weird


There is no doubt that any sort of obligation to play keima make the game weird. I hoped keima-if-possible would reduce the weirdness in the endgame, but apparently it has limited success.


I feel like requiring both stones to form a keima with each other is the big restriction, while if you also allowed both stones to form a keima with any other friendly stones on the board, you might get closer to a normal endgame?


There’s also the alternative here

Knights move Go, all stones after the first one must be a knights move from a friendly stone.

(Though maybe that makes the opening a bit more dull?)


Yeah, I think both could be interesting in their own way

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Or maybe it makes the opening much more cutthroat because if Black plays 4-4 on their first move, White could possibly play 10-4 and manage to build a quick wall that would block Black from access to half the goban ? In which case some games could be very short.


How to get in touch? We’ve got some exciting novel ideas for a new version of Quantum Go that incorporates the idea of quantum physics to increase fun and complexity. Thanks!


Here or GitHub is probably best! Do you have a description of the rules for Quantum Go?

We don’t have any “random” variants yet but that’s not to say it would be impossible.


Thanks for your prompt response. Any way we could email or have a zoom meeting about it?

You can also create a private message thread on the forums if that suits you either.

Click @benjito ’s name for instance and there should be a message button.


I am also intrigued! Do you not want to sketch your ideas here in the forum?


Sorry I should have followed up in this thread. We already connected privately!

@martin3141 posted a rough outline of the rules on GitHub if you’re interested!


On smartphone, I cannot login, because on the login page, the “About” button’s clickable area overlaps over the Username and Password fields and makes them unreachable.


May I ask for your browser and operating system (if possible with their versions)?


I’ve had similar problems on my phone, I believe it is caused by us using new css syntax that old browsers don’t support. If that’s the cause, then it should be fixed with the next deploy.


I’m unable to reproduce, but can try again now and let me know if it works? I just deployed some changes that might fix.


It’s possible that this is related to some CSS features we are using that aren’t well supported (for example, CSS nesting). I just deployed our latest changes, which includes a patch that adds support for this syntax (Add PostCSS Nesting plugin by evizam · Pull Request #208 · govariantsteam/govariants · GitHub).

Edit: @martin3141 you beat me to it! I just deployed, can you check on your phone?