Converting numerical rating into k, d, or p

In this one game detail we see the ratings of the 2 players listed in a numerical fashion:

    "players": {
        "black": {
            "id": 1084282,
            "username": "e71621056",
            "country": "un",
            "icon": "",
            "ratings": {
                "version": 5,
                "overall": {
                    "rating": 1333.3032734729904,
                    "deviation": 61.33815873444767,
                    "volatility": 0.059992528356333175
            "ranking": 21.576182986490565,
            "professional": false,
            "ui_class": ""
        "white": {
            "id": 1084709,
            "username": "thequietcenter",
            "country": "us",
            "icon": "",
            "ratings": {
                "version": 5,
                "overall": {
                    "rating": 1260.121194467763,
                    "deviation": 70.71625100034467,
                    "volatility": 0.059993821035258195
            "ranking": 20.269327870540423,
            "professional": false,
            "ui_class": ""

In the actual game we see that the players are rated 9k and 10k.

Is there software or a published algorithm about how to convert those numerical ratings into the commonly recognized ratings of kyu, dan, and professional dan?


See the response in How do I get the rank? and further discussion can continue there.