The last few days I encountered this move F2 a few times, maybe against the same player?
It feels trumpy, I mean weird, but maybe it is most recent AI thingy.
What do you think of this cripple monkey jump?
The last few days I encountered this move F2 a few times, maybe against the same player?
It feels trumpy, I mean weird, but maybe it is most recent AI thingy.
What do you think of this cripple monkey jump?
It is a bit odd in this case, imho. If you descend at e2, then you are threatening an actual monkey jump at b1 or h1, right? And Black cannot cover both threats in this case, so I am not sure that f1 is worth more.
F1 also threatens a attack tho. It looks like a strong move to me!
It’s bad.
F2 is a strong defence.
F1 is only a strong move if Black tenukis.
Where’s the monkey jump? J2 next?
F2 looks good answer followed with G1, nothing happens here. Besides white losing sente if he saves F1
Strictly speaking there is no monkey jump.
From E2 to G1 and H1 are monkey jumps.
However since the jump from E3 to F1 has the same purpose namely a reduction in territory along the side of the board, I termed this half seriously a cripple monkey jump. Cripple because it is less effective (not much territory reduction along the side) than a real monkey jump.
You took it just a bit too serious.
Hum, sorry if I am a bit picky but E2 to G1 is not called a monkey jump. Only E2 to H1 is.
I dunno what to say, I checked if maybe I missed something from your post.
About the position playing early on first line is most of time considered bad because it’s simply too early and not so effective. It’s a very common failure btw, where players try to maximize their gain instead of a more solid move in the second line, which may look passive but bring a better future.
Sensei Library seems to disagree with you.
Oh that’s first time I hear about a small monkey jump. Thanks to share this. I understand why you kind of “abuse” the name as I don’t see anything monkeyish in this shape. If it’s called monkey jump it’s by analogy a reference to a surprising connection from very far. But it’s not first time I disagree with SL. I wonder if they called a diagonal move a mini monkey jump somewhere.
Maybe it should be called a horse jump since it’s a knight’s move…
Or a horse grave, since it is dropping down to the first line.
There was a joke at a recent talk analysing pro and amateur games, about how “the first line is for the pros”, because more frequently when amateurs play on the first line it’s a mistake