Welcome to challenge 3 daily puzzles! The difficulties are 9k and 3k in 101 respectively. With the aid of hints, they are suitable for most go players. You would be able to learn a lot from my hand picked puzzles and explanations.
Q1. Liberties are crucial factor in life and death! Utilitze white’s lack of liberty and destroy the eye shape!
Q2. Killing a group usually consist of 2 techniques: narrow down the eye shape and place in. Go teachers usually advice students to consider narrowing down the eye shape first before place in. Although it is not a golden rule, it is essential to understand this concept.
Q3. Don’t capture a stone because you can! Also don’t always connect when your stone is going to be capture! Consider the whole thing!
Q1. Bulky 5 always looks like a dead shape, but really?
Q2. Distinguish the difference between a seki shape and a dead shape!
Q3. Using calmness to overcome action (以靜制動) is a proverb in Chinese, learn it !