Demo board "error" - Google Chrome

So, I was creating a demo board when I’ve noticed that it was taking too long.
(19x19; Black - Black (name of the black player) 20k; White - White (name of the white player) 20k; Japanese rules; name of the board: (Some random letters))

I went to the chat and exposed it, I got some replies some members asked for the link of the board, so I’ve decided to check it myself, when I’ve opened the demo board on another separator, I’ve noticed that it was working well.

Anyway, even after trying so, the “original demo board” was still loading, in fact, as I write this, the demo board is still loading.

I’ll suply other data if you need it.

PS: Sorry for any grammar mistakes, unusual or inapropriate vocabulary (in the context), I’m not a native speaker, and therefore, this message may have some of those.