Different ranks in Game history and table of ratings

Hi, I became aware of the whole story about ranks below 25k being “hidden” in OGS when I asked here and was sent down this rabbit hole. Now to my question …

Maybe this has nothing to do with that, but how is the correspondence between the rank shown in Game History (or the one next to the user name) and the one shown in the table of ranks? Is the discrepancy here just a rounding issue (I’d expect to be 24k, but the rounding could be a ceiling function?)? After you’re above 25k, the rank shown next to the user name and the rank in game history will always be the same, right?

That leaves me with another question: Did I mark the correct rank used to classify the player? Is it the “average” of all sizes and timings? If I hypothetically (not so hypothetically for now) only play 9x9 live games, that would certainly not be a good measure to compare myself to a player who only plays 19x19 correspondence games, for example. But that’s ok since this table is available in the player’s profile (other solutions, like show several ranks, seem clunky). I just want to be sure if I got it right.

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Rounding is down, not to nearest. 24.3k means you’re almost 24k but not quite, so game history shows the integer value of 25k. Once you get to 24.0k, game history will show 24k.

Yes. The overall rank you marked is what is used for just about everything. The others are mostly informational.

Not an average. They’re all calculated independently based on their own subset of your game history, obviously they’ll still be rather strongly correlated.

This makes intuitive sense on the individual level, but surprisingly at the sitewide level, overall rating proved a better predictor of game outcome than game specific rating. The short answer is more data = more accurate.

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Thanks for the answer, I thought it all made sense until I noticed the following yesterday:
1 - I am 25k
2 - I play a game and I win. I become 26k with 24.9k +/- 2.1
3 - I play a game and I win. I become 25k with 24.8k +/- 2.1
So, it seems it’s not even a matter of rounding down or I should have stayed as a 25k.

I don’t see any game you win and then change from 25k to 26k


The rank near the game should be the one at the beginning of the game.
Then it may change according to the outcome of the game. So you can see the rank after the game near the following game.
Looking at your history for day 18, reading from bottom up, I see two losses and two wins.
You started these four games at 25k.
After one loss you still were 25k.
After the second loss you went 26k.
After one win you went back to 25k.


I might have made a mistake then and should have written that I lost. But the issue about the mapping from the detailed ranking table to the user name rank would remain, right? By the way, now I see 24.0k in the table and 25k in the game history.

Edit: Oh no, wait, I see 24k next to my user name, but 25k in the last game of my game history. I think @Lys comment solves the problem.

I thought the displayed rank (in the second column of game history) was calculated after the game ended! That solves the issue, thanks :slight_smile: