Diplomatic Go 🗡 The First Game

Sorry, I’m working on it right now


Round 17 has ended

First choices

Second and third choices

  • black@Haze_with_a_Z placed second choice at J3
  • blue@Vsotvep placed second choice at J6
  • white@martin3141 placed second choice at D6
  • red@le_4TC second choice was at G1 (colliding with first choice already played by yellow@李建澔2), but they are able to play their third choice at B1.

Result and Current Board State

Note: old chains at J2 and A1 were removed first. A new chain of 3 stones at J5 was also captured.

Editable board

Round 18 has now begun and will end on 2020-09-07T00:00:00Z


Round 18 has ended

First choices

Second and Third Choices

Round 19 has begun and will end on 2020-09-08T00:00:00Z

Current board position:

Editable board


Hahaaaa a!

Well, that makes me happy


This is a fight for second place at this point. There is simply no way that anybody can feasibly attack le_4TC, and he is simply going to expand his territory. And he already has almost one third of the board.

Getting so complex and interesting!!

sup maharani!

(also i think ive said sup to everyone else)

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Yet it still has only two eyes, so it’s not solid territory.

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This is not only a game, but also a social experiment.

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Round 19 has been extended by 24 hours

The new deadline is now 2020-09-09T00:00:00Z

@Haze_with_a_Z has been deducted an “extra day” and now has zero extra days left.

All players may continue discussion and change their moves if they wish.

There will be no second extension. Failing to submit by the extended deadline will result in the move being counted as a pass.

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Reminder to spectators:
Please do not post in this thread while the game is still ongoing

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sorry yall I forgot again

Round 19 has ended

First choices

Second choices

Round 20 has begun and will end on 2020-09-10T00:00:00Z

Here is the current board state:

Editable board


@李建澔2 can you still see this thread? Please confirm by posting here.

Oddly, when I mention you with a post here, the Discourse system says:

You mentioned @李建澔2 but they won’t be notified because they do not have access to this category. You will need to add them to a group that has access to this category.

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So much for le_4TC having only two eyes… :expressionless:


Round 20 has ended

First choices

Second and third choices

  • blue@Vsotvep second choice collided with the already placed stone at J6, but they placed their third choice at E5
  • black@Haze_with_a_Z second choice collided with the already placed stone at J6, but they placed their third choice at J3
  • yellow@李建澔2 second and third choices were at D8 and C8, both colliding with existing stones
  • yellow@李建澔2 did not successfully place a stone in this round
  • Stones at J6 and J3 are new chains without liberties, but avoid capture since other old chains without liberties are captured first

Round 21 has begun and will end on 2020-09-11T00:00:00Z

Here is the current board state:

Editable board


Another idea for a new incentive in the next game: How about if two players are eliminated on different turns, the one who stayed in the game longer gets a higher final ranking?

So non-eliminated players are ranked by score at the end of the game (with possibly some ties), and eliminated players are ranked by when they were eliminated (with possibly some ties). Being eliminated is of course considered worse than not being eliminated.

(Perhaps the resign/draw mechanic needs to be somewhat modified, something like a player can suggest a ranking of the players (excluding already eliminated players, which are automatically at the bottom), and if all non-eliminated players agree on that ranking, the game can be ended directly. Thus we avoid having to play on in a clearly decided position.)

In this position, this means that both yellow and black both have a clear goal, despite having only a few stones each on the board: they have to try to stay on the board longer than the other.

What do you all think of this? I’m especially interested in what @李建澔2 and @Haze_with_a_Z think about it, since you know what it feels like to play in a board position like this. My hope is that this incentive aligns with what you were doing naturally anyways.

Edit: If any non-players want to add their opinions, please quote this post and respond in this thread. I just made this post here since I wanted to take the current board position as an example.

I agree that I would change the resign/draw mechanic. However I am not sure if the ongoing game is decided yet. What kind of ranking would you suggest here?