Direct link to making a move in the first active game?


I may have missed something, but I can’t find a link that takes me directly to the first active (correspondence) game. I often want to spawn a new Chromium window to make a move, rather than going first to the game list and selecting a game.

There’s a button in the top-right of the window showing me the number of games in which it’s my turn to move, but it’s not a standard link.

Is there a way to do this? What I’m really looking for is something that I can use at the command line to spawn the browser directly to a game window.

Unfortunately we don’t have a direct link I could give you to take you straight to your next game. This could be one of those things that would make a useful api tool, the following link will give you all of your games that haven’t ended:

Fair enough. It should be easy enough to write a quick python wrapper that will extract the first game link from that page and spawn that.

It would be a good addition to the API, though!

Just for reference, here’s a python snippet that I’m using to open an active game. (This is pulled from an updated version of my py3status ogs notifier, so any oddities like the redirect to /dev/null are an artefact of that.)

from json import loads
from urllib.request import urlopen
from subprocess import call


# Redirect stdin/stdout to /dev/null
dn = open("/dev/null")

player_id = PLAYER_ID

# Get the active games list where it's my turn to move
ogs_games = urlopen('' + str( player_id ) + '/full/')

# Parse to a dictionary
ogs_data = loads('utf-8') )

# Get the list of active games
active_game_list = ogs_data['active_games']

# Step through the active games until one is found that has the PLAYER_ID to play
for game in active_game_list:
    if game['json']['clock']['current_player'] == player_id: 
        # Spawn Chromium at this game, then break
        url_arg = "--app=" + str(game['json']['clock']['game_id'])
        call(["chromium", url_arg ], stdin=dn, stdout=dn, stderr=dn )

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Using the code format block of the forums :slight_smile:

from json import loadsfrom urllib.request import urlopenfrom subprocess import call


# Redirect stdin/stdout to /dev/nulldn = open("/dev/null")

player_id = PLAYER_ID

# Get the active games list where it's my turn to moveogs_games = urlopen('' + str( player_id ) + '/full/')

# Parse to a dictionaryogs_data = loads('utf-8') )

# Get the list of active gamesactive_game_list = ogs_data['active_games']

# Step through the active games until one is found that has the PLAYER_ID to playfor game in active_game_list:    if game['json']['clock']['current_player'] == player_id:         # Spawn Chromium at this game, then break        url_arg = "--app=" + str(game['json']['clock']['game_id'])        call(["chromium", url_arg ], stdin=dn, stdout=dn, stderr=dn )        break


Ah, I used the code block, but didn’t put the preformatted text block around it. Original post edited now, which is nice because it preserves Python’s irritating fixed indentation requirements.

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