Discussion about Q16,pass,R14,pass,O17

At position Q16,pass,R14,pass,O17, @Eugene started the conversation:

This is very tempting, because it seems more efficient than

( FYI @Eugene )

@Eugene said:

Position:8232 . But it doesn’t fully secure the corner!

( FYI @Eugene )

@Eugene said:

So it would be good to understand the tradeoffs/options…

( FYI @Eugene )

Hmm - I need to allow more text per comment!

@mark5000 would you be willing to expand on this ( Q16,pass,R14,pass,O17 ) and also it’s close relative Q16,pass,R14,R17 ?

I often find myself visiting Josekipedia for those ones :smiley: (Yes, yes, I should have learned them by now, I know!!)

@Eugene said:

It looks like position markup will be useful in comments as well, hmm…

( FYI @Eugene )

Concerning position Q16,pass,R14,pass,O17, looking at pro game records will not be helpful. An 11x11 square at http://ps.waltheri.net/178632 finds no pro games on point. I’ll add variations to my best understanding and source to AlphaGo or Michael Redmond or somebody else talking about it.


Thanks a lot! One less reason to visit JP :smiley: