Discussion about Q16,pass,R14,Q17,P17,R16,Q15

At position Q16,pass,R14,Q17,P17,R16,Q15, @mark5000 started the conversation:

LeelaZero dislikes R18 very much and prefers R17. Kogo’s says R17 is bad, but LeelaZero evaluates the given position poorly. How should we handle this?

( FYI @aesalon )

I sort of solved this issue by adding the AI variation, making clear it’s an AI variation, and making it an unnumbered variation. I’m open to better solutions.

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@aesalon said:

Kogo’s shouldn’t be a high level source. Through discussions and some edits, I think the intention is to prioritize moves that have had human play.

( FYI @aesalon )

I think you’re correct. Kogo’s was discontinued in 2014, to name one reason it should not be a high-level source. It has good comments we can pull from though, and sometimes the lines are interesting (because they are mistakes) and not found in another place.

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@S_Alexander said:

R18 lives in gote. White can try to live in sente with P18 like in bottom-left User account | Go4Go

( FYI @aesalon )

@S_Alexander said:

Sourced from Dinershteyn’s group.

( FYI @aesalon )