Discussion about Q16,R17,R16,Q17,P16,O18

At position Q16,R17,R16,Q17,P16,O18, @mark5000 started the conversation:

Can we delete variations 4,5 and 6? The only meaningful continuation is already covered in variation B.

( FYI @mark5000 )

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@aesalon said:

B is played less frequently than all of the extensions. I think it adds context that the local joseki is finished and the side is important.

( FYI @mark5000 )


@aesalon said:

Also, we can expect this joseki to be around for a while - soon there will be joseki follow-ups for the varying extensions. They don’t cost anything to leave here.

( FYI @mark5000 )

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For reference:

Is ‘N’ actually joseki or more of a joseki continuation / special case move?


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It’s a continuation. The documentation doesn’t define “continuation.” But to me, a continuation is a basic corner pattern played after a joseki. It kind of assumes that the other four corners will be developed before playing it, and perhaps also at least one or more of the side areas. And so I wouldn’t expect a 12x12 square to really capture a continuation. The 12x12 square only tells you that N is not part of the basic joseki.

So I see Yeonwoo’s YouTube and your diagram as compatible.

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I agree they’re compatible.

I thought that adding the side moves was an additional way to express that they aren’t a priority.

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