Discussion about R16,P17,Q15,pass,L17

At position R16,P17,Q15,pass,L17, @bugcat started the conversation:

Why is this “Good” but the two-space is “Ideal”? And can we have variations for tenuki, O16? This was a common structure in top level games around 1890, so it would nice for at least history.

( FYI @aesalon )

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Waltheri also shows that it appears in a number of modern professional games, especially as part of globalised opening theory.

eg. http://ps.waltheri.net/database/game/64225/


@aesalon said:

I agree it shouldn’t be less than “Ideal”. It isn’t played often enough for me to be confident adding variations based on pro games. I filled a little bit out but need to look for sources to do more.

( FYI @aesalon )

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