[quote=“Nghtstalker, post:25, topic:9710, full:true”]
Sounds like your GO space is rather gemütlich. [/quote]Well, yes, I think it is
[quote]I hope to play u there someday. Does your club have a web page? Pictures?[/quote]Somewhere here I posted pics, I think, maybe in the “Real Life Go Pictures” thread, but I can’t remember.
Ah, here it is, lots of pics: Playing Go IRL pictures
And no, no Web page. Too much work (the web page as well as my job).
And re: playing here … just get in touch and let me know when you’re coming to the Lüneburg Heath in Northern Germany (I’m 60 km to the South of Hamburg), then I can see whether it fits my schedules. Other Go players have visited, and we always had lots of fun