Does the learn to play go section need more explanations?

I don’t know if I like the minimalistic style to be honest, so I’m not sure I’m the person to help out, even if I can figure out the code. Realistically if we wanted to be as minimal as possible we’d get rid of seki puzzles altogether from the tutorial.

Explanations along with puzzles/testing out ideas, similar to your site or the interactive way to go, is more up my alley.

Or here’s an idea in puzzle set form.

Play Go at! | OGS

I’d probably still like to cut down the wording a bit, but people can always skim it and just play with the diagrams. @xitoshi feel free to have a look through those ‘puzzles’ and see if they help you. The first few are just explanations really. I might add life and death puzzles and other things about killable eye-shapes.

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